Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pea and mint risotto

Yesterday Martin and myself went up to his parents house for a bbq. I brought some of the truffles and muffins I made, and I came back home with a bag of mangetout from their garden. Today I was standing in the kitchen looking at these lovely, green vegetables trying to figure out what to do with them. Usually I would probably just blanch them i salted water and eat hot with butter...but they were so big and had lovely peas inside so I took the peas out and made a risotto for lunch. I flavoured it with fresh mint and parmesan cheese and it went down a treat.

This recipe is for 2 portions.

120 grams risotto rice
2tbsp olive oil
3tbsp butter
1 shallot, finely chopped
400ml vegetable stock/ chicken stock
50ml white wine
100 grams fresh peas (you can use defrosted ones too)
1 handfull of fresh herbs such as mint, basil, parsley

parmesan cheese, salt, freshly ground black pepper

Fry onion in the olive oil and one tablespoon of the butter until soft. Add the rice and continue to fry until the rice is covered by the olive oil/butter. Add the white wine and let simmer until all the liquid is gone. Start adding the stock, one ladle at the time. Let it simmer and stir gently, add next ladle of stock when the rice has soken up all the liquid. When the rice is almost finished add the last bit of liquid and peas. When the peas and rice is cooked stir in the rest of the butter and grated parmesan cheese to taste. Last fold in chopped fresh herbs. Serve with freshly ground black pepper and grated parmesan.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm det där såg gott ut det måste jag också prova. Kram
