In Sweden we eat a lot of bread; sour dough, rye, plain white ... but there is one particular type that im going to write about now. It is hard for me to say what it is called in english because as the name of this post says there seems to be a few names to choose from. I will simply call it cracker bread.
Cracker bread is originally from Sweden and back in the days it was mainly bakes on rye flour or other whole grain flours. The dough is very heavy due to a low content of water and is rolled out very thin, baked quickly on a high heat and then dried out. It keeps very well, weighs very little and is therefore a great addition to lucnhes serevd in schools, prisons and in the army. You can take my word for that (not because I have been in prison or the army) because the lunch served in our canteen in school was not very tasty at all so I lived on cracker bread.
In Ireland it is not so common to eat cracker bread, and beacuse of that there is not the same variety here and in the shopes at home. Recently I found a recipe that I had to try and with a few minor adjustments I now have a very nice cracker bread recipe.
150ml water, luke warm
5 grams dried yeast
12 grams butter
1tsp salt
115 grams plain flour
100 grams whole wheat flour, stone ground
60 grams mixed seeds (I used sesame, lins seeds and sunflower seeds)
Dissolve yeast in the water. Stir in butter, salt and seeds and last whole wheat flour. Add plain flour and work the dough by hand for a bout 5min on a floured surface. Let prove for 1h.
Divide the dough into 8 pieces and roll out to very, very thin sheets on a floured surface, about 2mm. Prick with a fork before baking on 250C for 5-8 min. Let dry on an oven rack before storing in an air tight container.
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