Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another hummus

A couple of days I try to eat vegetarian, there is no particular reason to it; I just like the challenge of trying to come up with new dinner ideas and cutting out the meat makes it trickier for me. Lately there has been a lot of chick peas on the menu and mainly Indian style, channa masala, but another favourite is good old fashioned hummus. I put a good serving of hummus on the side of bulgur, halloumi cheese and tomato salad. It is a fantastic combination of many tasty things on one plate. The other day I made another version of this hummus that I have blogged about before, same technique but with a twist; smoked paprika and red chili.

1tin chickpeas
1 lemon,the juice
2tbsp tahini(sesame paste)
1tsp cumin
1tsp smoked paprika
1clove garlic
1/2 red chili (without seeds)
1/2tsp salt
5tbsp olive oil
3tbsp water

Blend all ingredients with a hand mixer or in a food processor until smooth. Spread on a plate and garnish with a drizzle of olive oil, dried parsley and smoked paprika.

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