On saturday evening, after a lovely meal of home made pizza, I presented a very tasty Italian dessert; Semifreddo. It is almost too tasty for me to describe in words... Imagine the lightest parfait flavoured with ground, tosated hazelnuts, served with hot chocolate sauce and raspberries. The semifreddo is, as the translation straight from Italian says, half cold wich means the dessert is frozen and then put in room temperature for about 20min before serving to get the right texture. The eggwhites really makes it so light and fluffy, and it is not that sweet like some desserts can be. You are meant to add some alcohol as well to the recipe to make it softer since alcohol stops it from freezing too hard and becoming icy. I did not put any alcohol in this time but would recommend some coffee liqour or marsala.
This recipe will feed 4 people, yes it will look like a lot of dessert but belive me, they will come back for more... I froze indvidual silicpne muffin cups (very handy since they are non-stick) but you can just as well make one large dish and serve on a platter.
2 eggs, seperated
200ml double cream
60 grams caster sugar
50 grams ground hazelnuts
(20ml marsala/coffee liqour)
Toast the hazelnuts in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Set a side to cool down. Whisk egg yolks and half of the sugar until white and fluffy. In another bowl whisk the cream, not too hard, just until it forms soft peaks. In a third bowl whisk eggwhites, when it starts to look like foam/soft peaks, add the ramaining sugar bit by bit while still whisking until it is a quite stiff meringue.
Fold the eggyolks and sugar mix into the cream, followed by hazelnuts and at last eggwhites wich are folded in carefully to keep as much air in as possible. If you are using alcohol, add this at the very last point before freezing.
Divide the mix into individual dishes or the one big dish lined with cling film. Cover the top with cling film and freeze for at least 3 hours. To serve take the semifreddo out of the dish/dishes and put on a plate for 10-20min before serving.
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