Bread, bread, bread...I just don't get tired of it; baking or eating. All diets telling us to cut down or even cut out carbs drive me crazy because there if few things that makes me so happy as freshly baked bread coming out of the oven smelling delicious. Lately I have been experimenting with sour dough and different types of flour, with varied results. The other day I decided to go for something classic and easy so focaccia was baked.
I started making this bread when working in an Italian restaurant and even the Italians were impressed, that says a lot you should know because Italians are some of the most difficult people to please when it comes to food. I don't blame them though because while in Italy on a holiday last year I was really impressed with the food, such simple dishes with the most amazing flavours.
I like my focaccia in different flavours depending on what I am using it for, this time I decided to put some parmesan, white onion and thyme into the bread and that way you can just eat it on its own. It could also be left plain with just olive oil and sea salt, or maybe some sun dried tomatoes and olives, or anchovies and garlic...
The recipe is very simple and it does not need a lot of kneading, work or attention.
1 tray of foccacia750 grams strong flour
600ml water, lukewarm
10 grams dried yeast
1 1/2tbsp salt
2tbsp olive oil
parmesan, herbs, sundried tomatoes, olives...
Dissolve yeats in the water. Add flour, salt and oliveoil and work the dough with a wodden spoon for a couple of minutes. Let prove until doubled in size, about an hour. Drizzle olive oil on a piece of baking paper and tip the dough out on to it. Drizzle oil on top and stretch out so the dough covers the whole sheet. With oiled fingers press little holes in the dough, fill with what ever flavour you decide to go for and let prove again for 35-45 min. Bake for 25min on 225C